Create Paging Query In the Sql Server
Here we create the Paging in SQL Server Query here Fetch Only that Record which is Required Query: Select S.*,SM.Name as shape,CM.Name as Color,PM.Name as Purity,POM.Name As Polish,CUM.Name as Cut,SYM.Name As Symm,Fm.Name as FLS from stock as S Inner join SHAPE_MAS As SM on SM.SEQ_NO=S.shape_seq inner join COLOR_MAS As CM on CM.SEQ_NO=S.color_seq inner join PURITY_MAS As PM on PM.SEQ_NO=S.PURITY_SEQ inner join POLISH_MAS AS POM on POM.SEQ_NO=S.polish_seq inner join CUT_MAS As CUM on CUM.SEQ_NO=S.cut_seq inner join FLS_MAS As FM on FM.SEQ_NO=S.FLS_Seq inner join SYMM_MAS as SYM on SYM.SEQ_NO=S.SYMM_SEQ order by S.SEQ_NO Asc OFFSET 25 * (2 - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT 25 ROWS ONLY Note: Here 25 is Page Size You have set Default you Want and 2 is page no it is change every page which record Example: OFFSET 50 * (3 - 1) ROWS FETCH NEXT 50 ROWS ONLY Here we set Page Size 50 and page no is 3 This Is useful...