
Showing posts with the label Table Type

create table type in sql server and insert Update data using store procedure

Demo.aspx  < html > < head > < title > Pass Data Table </ title > < script src ="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type ="text/javascript"></ script >     < script type ="text/javascript">         $(document).ready( function () {             $( '# <% =dropproduct.ClientID %> ' ).change( function () {                 var result = $( '# <% =dropproduct.ClientID %> ' ).val().split( ',' );                  if ($( '# <% =dropproduct.ClientID %> ' ).val() == "---Select---" ) {                 }                 else {                     $( '#detail' ).html( '' );                     var str = "" ;                     str = str + "<div style=\"margin-top: -200px;border-radius: 0.5em;font-size: 14px;background-color: aliceblue;margin-bottom: 100px;width:400px \"><table style=\"