
Showing posts with the label sorting

Insert Update Delete and Sorting In Grid view Control Without Db

< style type ="text/css">         body         {             font-family : Arial ;             font-size : 10pt ;         }         table         {             border : 1px solid #ccc ;         }         table th         {             background-color : #F7F7F7 ;             color : #333 ;             font-weight : bold ;    ...

Insert ,update,delete ,paging and sorting In to gridview

Gridsorting.aspx < asp : GridView ID ="grd" runat ="server" AllowPaging ="true" AllowSorting ="true" PageSize ="10"             AutoGenerateColumns ="false" ShowFooter ="true"             DataKeyNames ="id" OnSorting ="grd_Sorting" OnRowEditing ="grd_RowEditing"             onrowupdating ="grd_RowUpdating" onrowcancelingedit ="grd_RowCancelingEdit"             onpageindexchanging ="grd_PageIndexChanging"             onrowdeleting ="grd_RowDeleting">             < Columns >                 < asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Name" SortExpression...