
Insert ,update,delete ,paging and sorting In to gridview

Gridsorting.aspx < asp : GridView ID ="grd" runat ="server" AllowPaging ="true" AllowSorting ="true" PageSize ="10"             AutoGenerateColumns ="false" ShowFooter ="true"             DataKeyNames ="id" OnSorting ="grd_Sorting" OnRowEditing ="grd_RowEditing"             onrowupdating ="grd_RowUpdating" onrowcancelingedit ="grd_RowCancelingEdit"             onpageindexchanging ="grd_PageIndexChanging"             onrowdeleting ="grd_RowDeleting">             < Columns >                 < asp : TemplateField HeaderText ="Name" SortExpression ="name" FooterStyle-Width ="200px"                     ItemStyle-Width ="200px">                     < ItemTemplate >                         < asp : Label ID ="lblname" Text =' <% # Ev

Insert data using jquery

Demo.aspx < html xmlns =""> < head id ="Head1" runat ="server">     < title ></ title >     < script type ="text/javascript" src =""></ script >     < script type ="text/javascript" src =""></ script >     < script type ="text/javascript">         $(document).ready( function () {             $( '# <% =btnsub.ClientID %> ' ).click( function () {                 $.ajax({                     type: 'POST' ,                     contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ,                     url: 'insertjquery.aspx/Insertmethod' ,                     data: "{'Name':'" + document.getElementById( &